Apus (the Bird of Paradise)

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Caelum (the Chisel)

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Chamaeleon (the Chamaeleon)

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Circinus (the Pair of Compasses)

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Corona Borealis (the Northern Crown)

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Crux (the Southern Cross)

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Dorado (the Goldfish)

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Equuleus (the Little Horse)

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Grus (the Crane)

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Horologium (the Pendulum Clock)

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Hydrus (the Lesser Water Snake)

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Indus (the Native Indian)

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Mensa (the Table Mountain)

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Microscopium (the Microscope)

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Musca (the Fly)

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Octans (the Octant)

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Pavo (the Peacock)

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Phoenix (the Firebird)

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Pictor (the Easel)

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Piscis Austrinus (the Southern Fishes)

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Reticulum (the Net)

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Triangulum Australe (the Southern Triangle)

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Tucana (the Toucan)

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Volans (the Flying Fish)

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