Dwayne Laughlin(non-registered)
Hello, I’m still alive. Where are you now?

Ovo Onohwakpo(non-registered)
Just passing by.

Rick Quast(non-registered)
Was visiting with Garrett today and he mentioned you had this site. Hope all is well with you. Blessings!
James Chapin(non-registered)
You are inspiring Dalton. Thank you for your diligent efforts.
Rodeo New Mexico 2012 album is mind blowing :)
Lindsey oliver(non-registered)
Hey Dalton! long time since I've visited your site. Your pictures are incredible. hope everything is good with you & Lois. miss you guys. Again great work I've looked thru at least 4 folders and I'm not done :)
Dwayne L.(non-registered)
Never know who you will run into when you are in Banff at a Soweto Choir concert. Sorry I didn’t chat to you more. You have added a lot of entries since my last visit. Not sure how you ever manage to store all that information in your head. Have trouble remembering people’s names that I know. . Makes you really wonder who else is out there.

Awesome images old friend.
Alain Leclerc(non-registered)
Amazing photos Dalton, thanks for sharing.
Joan Garland(non-registered)
The constellation images are so beautiful that I had never seen the photos of this kind. I was so eager to visit your site because it names astrodew. I love to become an astronaut so I love the pictures of the sky more than anything does.
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