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Dimensions930 x 869
Original file size327 KB
Image typeJPEG
M1 NGC 1952 Sh 2-244 The Crab Nebula in Narrowband

M1 NGC 1952 Sh 2-244 The Crab Nebula in Narrowband

M1 NGC 1952 Sh 2-244 The Crab Nebula in Narrowband
Constellation: Taurus
Distance: 6.3
Mag: 9.0
Type: Supernova Remnant
Imaging Location: Didsbury AB Canada
Imaging Platform: C14 FF/FR QSI540WS Astrodon Sii,Ha,Oiii
Mount: CGE PRO
Guiding Setup: SSAG Orion Short Tube 80
Exposure: 9x900 Sii Oiii Ha
Date: 2010-10-29
Software: MaximDL, Images Plus, PHD, Photoshop CS4
Narrowband blend R=60%Ha+40%Sii G=Oiii B=50%Oiii+50%Ha all binned 2x2