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Dimensions1800 x 1198
Original file size500 KB
Image typeJPEG
M16 NGC 6611 SH 2-49 The Eagle Nebula

M16 NGC 6611 SH 2-49 The Eagle Nebula

M16 NGC 6611 SH 2-49 The Eagle Nebula
Constellation: Serpens Cauda
Distance: 7,000 ly
Magnitude: 6.00
R.A.: 18h18m48.4s
Dec.: -13°49'10"
Type: Emission Nebula
Imaging Location: Gila Bend Arizona
Imaging Platform: C14 Hyperstar Atik 4120
Mount: Mesu 200
Guiding Setup: SSAG Orion Short tube 80
Exposure: 16x180 sec
Date: 2015-03-09
Software: MaximDl, Pixinsight, Photoshop CS6