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Dimensions1800 x 1355
Original file size373 KB
Image typeJPEG
M31 NGC 224 The Andromeda Galaxy

M31 NGC 224 The Andromeda Galaxy

M31 NGC 224 The Andromeda Galaxy
Constellation: Andromeda
Distance: 2.54 Mly
Magnitude: 4.3
R.A.: 00h42m44.3s
Dec.: +41°16'07"
Type: Galaxy
Imaging Location: RASC Starland
Imaging Platform: TV101is QSI583 Astrodon filters
Mount: CGX
Guiding Setup: Lodestar II offaxis
Exposure: 7rgb 300b2x2 10Lum 600b1x1
Date: 2017-09-15
Software: MaximDL, Images Plus, Registar, Pixinsight, CS6
M32 (NGC 221) and M110 (NGC 205) are included
Taken thru Northern lights and hi humidity