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Dimensions2504 x 3326
Original file size309 KB
Image typeJPEG
M101  NGC 5457 Supernova SN2011ef

M101 NGC 5457 Supernova SN2011ef

M101 NGC 5457 Supernova SN2011ef
Constellation: Ursa Major
Distance: 27 Mly
Type: Spiral Galaxy
Imaging Location: Didsbury AB Canada
Imaging Platform: Equinox 120 QSI583wsg Astrodon 31mm LRGB
Mount: CGEM
Guiding Setup: Lodestar offaxis
Exposure: 6x900 LRGB
Date: 2011-09-07
Software: MaximDL. Images Plus, Photoshop CS4
Supernova SN2011ef is the larger star top center of the galaxy