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Photo Info

Dimensions2088 x 1920
Original file size461 KB
Image typeJPEG
LDN 1491 labelled

LDN 1491 labelled

LDN 1491 Vulture Head Nebula (LDN 1489) LBN 775 LBN 777
Constellation: Taurus
Type: Dark Nebula
R.A.: 04h04m42.9s
Dec.: +26°18'56"
Imaging Location: Didsbury AB
Imaging Platform: SharpStar 61 with reducer Atik 460
Mount: CGX
Guiding Setup: ZWO120 off axis
Exposure: 6L5RGB x 300
Date: 2023-10-07_08
Software: APT, Pixinsight, CS6