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Dimensions3326 x 2504
Original file size1.12 MB
Image typeJPEG
NGC 281 The Pacman Sh 2-184

NGC 281 The Pacman Sh 2-184

NGC 281 The Pacman
Constellation: Cassiopeia
Mag: 7.40
Distance: 9600 ly
Type: Emission Nebula
R.A.: 00h52m49.0s
Dec.: +56°37'42"
Imaging Location: Grasslands East Block Sask
Imaging Platform: Televue 101is QSI583
Mount: CGX
Guiding Setup: Lodestar offaxis
Exposure: 18 Ha 17 Oiii x 900 sec
Date: 2021-09-06_03_04
Software: MaximDL, Pixinsight, Photoshop CS6