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Visitors 346
113 photos

B 318 M11 NGC 6705 Wild Duck Cluster

B 318 M11 NGC 6705 Wild Duck Cluster

M13 test

M13 test

M20 Sh 2-30 Trifid Nebula NGC 6514

M20 Sh 2-30 Trifid Nebula NGC 6514

M 31 Andromeda Galaxy NGC 224

M 31 Andromeda Galaxy  NGC 224

M43 M42

M43  M42

M 42 The Great Orion Nenula Sh 2-281

M 42 The Great Orion Nenula Sh 2-281

M 45  Pleiades

M 45  Pleiades

M 45 Pleiades Seven Sisters labelled

M 45 Pleiades Seven Sisters labelled

M52 NGC 7654 with the Bubble

M52 NGC 7654 with the Bubble

M52 NGC 7654 with the Bubble Labelled

M52 NGC 7654 with the Bubble Labelled

M 52 NGC 7654

M 52  NGC 7654

M 78 NGC 2068 vdB 59

M 78 NGC 2068 vdB 59

M 78 NGC 2068 vdB 59

M 78 NGC 2068 vdB 59

M-78 NGC 2068 vdB 59 labelled

M-78 NGC 2068 vdB 59 labelled

M 101 NGC 5457

M 101 NGC 5457

M 109 NGC 3992

M 109 NGC 3992

M 109 NGC 3992 Labelled

M 109 NGC 3992 Labelled

NGC 129

NGC 129

NGC 281 The Pacman Sh 2-184

NGC 281 The Pacman Sh 2-184

NGC 281 The Pacman Sh 2-184

NGC 281 The Pacman Sh 2-184