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Dimensions1504 x 1504
Original file size539 KB
Image typeJPEG
M52 NGC 7654 with the Bubble

M52 NGC 7654 with the Bubble

M52 with the Bubble
Constellation: Cassiopeia
Mag: 8.2
Distance: 4600 ly
Type: Open Cluster
R.A.: 23h24m48.0s
Dec.: +61°35'36
Imaging Location: Grasslands East Block Sask
Imaging Platform: Sharpstar 61 fr ZWO533
Mount: EQ6
Guiding Setup: 50mm guide scope ZWO120mc
Exposure: 13 x 900 sec
Date: 2021-09-10
Software: MaximDL, Pixinsight, CS6