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Dimensions1968 x 1968
Original file size216 KB
Image typeJPEG
Hickson 10 NGC 536, NGC 542, NGC 531, NGC 529

Hickson 10 NGC 536, NGC 542, NGC 531, NGC 529

Hickson 10 NGC 536, NGC 542, NGC 531, NGC 529
Constellation: Andromeda
Mag: 11.0
Distance: 200 mly
Type: Galaxy
R.A.: 01h26m07.3s
Dec.: +34°41'27"
Imaging Location: Grasslands East Block Sask
Imaging Platform: Astrotech 10" RC QSI540
Mount: Mesu 200
Guiding Setup: Lodestar offaxis
Exposure: 8 x 900 sec LRGB
Date: 2021-09-07
Software: MaximDL, Pixinsight,
Taken thru the smoke filled skies